Inspire Academy Of Business And Management
INSPIRE ACADEMY OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT is a Malaysian institution, providing a range of DIPLOMA and ADVANCED DIPLOMA that are recognized and accredited by the prestigious INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONALS, UK.
The qualifications offered through IABM can also be articulated into other professional memberships to accounting and management bodies, and also into DEGREE programs offered through a range of recognized universities.
IABM also work closely with a number of training bodies and centers that provide short courses in a range of disciplines and business areas and are looking for ENDORSEMENT from a recognized UNIVERSITY. This endorsement adds prestige and recognition to the courses that are provided through such training centers and providers, and enhances the credibility of the qualification.
IABM, in conjunction with universities and professional bodies, are continuing to develop and expand its program offering, through self-study, classroom instruction and prior learning.